
Save on your monthly bill with the best deals for your home utilities.
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Die besten Marktpreise von den zuverlässigsten Anbietern

Our experts constantly monitor the market to secure the best available deals for your utilities. We guarantee competitive rates, saving you both time and money. And we dont charge anything for connecting you to the best providers. 
Exklusive Angebote
Unsere Leistungen sind kostenlos
Zuverlässigste Anbieter
Customizable Packages

One-Stop Solution

No need to deal with multiple companies and confusing paperwork. Let us simplify your move and give you peace of mind.

Best Market Deals

Our partnerships with top utility providers allow us to offer exclusive deals and competitive rates that you won't find anywhere else.

Local Expertise

With our deep understanding of the German market, we can navigate the complexities of local utility providers.

Multilingual Support

Our team includes multilingual professionals who can assist you in your preferred language, making communication easy and effective.

Lassen Sie uns die besten Angebote für Ihre Adresse finden

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Get your utilities set up free of charge.

Wählen Sie Ihre Dienstleistungen aus und wir finden die besten Angebote für Ihre Adresse.

Was unsere Kunden über uns sagen

Wir sind stolz auf die Menge zufriedener Kunden, denen wir helfen konnten.

Very much worth it, really straight forward and useful service! They made setting up my utilities incredibly easy.

Raoul M.

Had an amazing experience with utility direct, would recommend their services to anybody moving to another country!

Raniere c.

I did not have any experience with this matter when I landed and they provided me a nice way to get things set properly for my new house.

Ayk K.

All of the utilities support were very smooth. My specific issues were handled quickly, they response really fast.

Overschiestraat 182, 1062XK
Amsterdam, Netherlands
CoC: 83344144
Die Einrichtung von Dienstprogrammen war noch nie so einfach. Wir suchen die besten Preise, damit Sie das nicht tun müssen.
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CoC: 83344144
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